Analyze the data behind the current state of U.S. healthcare. Summarize what the data for each of the five figures means.

Supporting Actions with Data
It is far too easy to sling opinions around based on little besides, well, opinion. With something as important as healthcare, that is not good enough. Yet, it is difficult to obtain an unbiased view of the data behind the complex parts that make up the U.S. healthcare system, and often, even more difficult to understand it. Additionally, since there really is no way to benchmark the entire system, it seems reasonable to benchmark by comparison to other like countries.
The reading for this week, The Current State of U.S. Health Care ( does just that.

The best things about this article are that the data is created by actuaries. In case you are not familiar with these unsung heroes, actuaries live by the rules of mathematics and statistics. They calculate costs and risks. And they take no prisoners. The data supports the calculation, or it doesn’t. They are not swayed by ideology or politics. If you live and breathe numbers, this is one of the highest-paid bachelor’s degree professions available. Check it out.
This article contains ten charts (Figures 1-10) that cover multiple aspects of healthcare. Each of these charts allows you to hover over the image for specific data.

It is vital to read the narrative around each chart to ensure you understand it. Figure 1 is easy (others, not so much). The cost of healthcare in the U.S. compared to other, like countries, dwarfs them. Hover over the blue bar for the U.S. to see that the health expenditure per capita is $10,348 while the average country spends $5,169.

Analyze the data behind the current state of U.S. healthcare.
Include the following aspects in the assignment:

Read the article and explore each figure (1-10).

Choose five of the figures that interest you the most.

Summarize what the data for each of the five figures means (this must be in your own words. There is no copy/pasting).

How would you use the information from each figure to support change in healthcare? Be specific.

Create a simple table for this. The table should have five rows (for each of the Figures) and two columns (one for the summary of each Figure and one for the use of information for change)

Cite any references. Proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling are required

Analyze the data behind the current state of U.S. healthcare. Summarize what the data for each of the five figures means.
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