Rewrite the college admissions essay paper below about surrogacy from the perspective of a young child.


Rewrite the college admissions essay paper below about surrogacy from the perspective of a young child.

College Admissions Essay

At the age of eight years old, I was absolutely convinced that my parents were liars. As a young and imaginative individual with a keen eye for detail, I have always been able to see through the veil of deception and get to the bottom of things. However, when my parents told me that they were pregnant with my siblings, I found myself struggling to believe their words. Despite their assurance something within me refused to accept their claims.
I eagerly awaited the arrival of my said to be coming siblings, dreaming about all the things we would do together. However, as time went on, I began to notice that something was amiss. My mother’s belly wasn’t growing, and she didn’t seem to be experiencing any of the usual symptoms of pregnancy. I began to suspect that my parents were lying to me about my mother’s pregnancy, and my suspicions only grew as the months passed by. They were outstanding liars, considering that they even persuaded everyone around us to truly believe we were about to have two new additions to the family as I knew that I was smarter than them all and would not believe in any of the lies being told.
I still remember the first day that my mom announced that she was pregnant. I was at the dinner table playing on my brand new ipod when they told me and I was truly ecstatic. But my excitement was short-lived when I was told that the babies were not growing inside my mother’s belly, but inside the belly of a surrogate. As a young child, the idea of surrogacy was a foreign concept to me. I had always believed that babies were born from their mother’s womb, so when my parents announced that they were pregnant, I was extremely doubtful. My mother wasn’t exhibiting any of the usual symptoms of pregnancy and I began to question whether my parents were telling me the truth, and this uncertainty led me to feel an array of conflicting emotions. I was skeptical. I didn’t understand what it meant, but I continued to believe I was smarter than everyone. I did not and would not buy into their fabricated stories.
The day I first met Jennifer, I watched as she layed on the tall paper lined table as the odd looking man beside her lifted her shirt up, I took my attention off of my fingerprint smudged ipod and stared directly at her stomach. It looked like it was seriously about to burst. My parents were standing up next to the table and looked at the weird looking television screen with black and gray blotches all over it. But her humongous belly was the only thing that piqued my curiosity. Without a doubt, I knew she was pregnant, but I was honestly baffled and confused how her stomach could be that massive. It wasn’t until I was in the hospital waiting room on my brand new fingerprint-smudged ipod watching my mother and father come out with two little baby girls, that I realized my parents were not liars.

As I tried to make sense of this perplexing situation, I began to realize that my parents’ choice was not one of deception, but rather a decision born of love and sacrifice. I came to understand that their choice to use a surrogate mother was a selfless act, one that was made out of their deep desire to bring new life into the world and to expand our family. In many ways, my parents’ decision has taught me the importance of seeing beyond the surface and delving deeper into the complexities of life. It has shown me that there is often more than meets the eye, and that there is great value in looking beyond our initial assumptions and beliefs. In the end, my parents’ decision to use a surrogate mother continues to inspire me to explore the depths of the human experience. It has taught me the importance of looking beyond the surface and of seeking to understand the complexities of life. It has taught my young, ipod loving stubborn self, to be open-minded and accepting of new ideas and concepts. I may have been confused and hurt at first, but ultimately, the experience helped me to grow and mature as a person. The more I learned, the more I came to appreciate the value of perseverance. At first, the idea of surrogacy was confusing to me. I couldn’t understand why my parents wouldn’t carry their own child, but as \This experience ignited a passion within me for understanding the workings of the world around me, and as I grew older, I became increasingly interested in the fields of architecture and engineering. Architecture and engineering are unique and captivating fields that involve a combination of creativity and precision. Just like surrogacy, architecture and engineering require creativity, innovation, and a deep understanding of the human experience. They require a deep understanding of the world and the ability to think outside the box. My parents’ decision to use a surrogate has shown me that there are always new and innovative ways to approach a problem, and I am excited to apply that same creativity and determination to my future career.

Rewrite the college admissions essay paper below about surrogacy from the perspective of a young child.
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