Create 2-minute a video or audio explaining your own view on platform markets, infrastructure AND/OR governance, and provide one example related to social media platforms.

News Media Question


What were your main learnings about platform markets, infrastructure and governance – the institutional side of platforms?

Create 2-minute a video or audio explaining your own view on platform markets, infrastructure AND/OR governance, and provide one example related to social media platforms. Try to use another format in relation to Creating 1 (is not mandatory). If you are not comfortable with audio or video, try some other artistic format.


“Creating” are media production with the aim of creatively explaining concepts and keywords (based on readings) to a wider audience. Produce short videos or audios (about 2 minutes) with explanations and reflections on some aspects of the readings and in-class discussions.

If you are not comfortable with video or audio, you can choose another creative or artistic format. The idea here is to be creative! What did you find interesting about the readings and classes that you would like to share with a wider audience?


Create 2-minute a video or audio explaining your own view on platform markets, infrastructure AND/OR governance, and provide one example related to social media platforms.
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