Write a short (approximately 3 page) fact sheet about a disease or health condition that interests you.

Assignment 1: Fact Sheet

Students have the option of completing this assignment in groups of up to four. To sign up for a group, click on the People link toward the left side of the screen, click on the Fact Sheet Groups tab, and select a group. Want to do the paper without a group? Sign up for a group on your own. Note that everyone must sign up for a group, whether completing the paper with others or alone.

Write a short (approximately 3 page) fact sheet about a disease or health condition that interests you.

The fact sheet should be written as if the intended audience were other UMKC students. Medical jargon should not be used without explanation in plain language, and epidemiology terms used should be defined briefly within the fact sheet.
This assignment must be in question and answer format.

To complete this assignment, each student or small group will need to reference at least three peer-reviewed, scholarly systematic review articles published in the last five years. Review articles are scholarly, peer-reviewed summaries of current research about a topic.

Write a short (approximately 3 page) fact sheet about a disease or health condition that interests you.
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