After a month of training, what kind of variable was unit morale: manipulated independent, criterion, constant, positive, negative, spurious, unethical? Explain


You must answer each of the questions below, using complete sentences as well as proper spelling, grammar, punctuation and use of terminology.

Entering the military can be a stressful challenge for young adults. Read this article about a program developed for Air Force recruits.


If you need to review how to handle such a research study, watch this video again.

HINT: Get all of your definitions from the classnotes, terms list, or assigned videos, not from Wikipedia or some online dictionary.

1. How would you describe the subject(s) of this research? (You may mention constants but do not mention any variables.) [ 10 points ]

2. How would you describe Wingman-Connect? Explain. [ 10 points ]
 a form of delirium due to exposure to toxic chemicals
 a form of dementia due to repeated exposure to high altitude
 a form of depression due to military PTSD
 a training program for Air Force recruits
 an assessment protocol for vocational aptitude

3. What kind of variable was whether the subjects were Air Force personnel: manipulated independent, manipulated dependent, positive, criterion, predictor, constant? Explain. [ 10 points ]

4. Which cohort did the subjects belong to: Greatest, Baby Boomer, Millennial, GenQ? How did you figure this out? [ 10 points ]

5. After a month of training, what kind of variable was unit morale: manipulated independent, criterion, constant, positive, negative, spurious, unethical? Explain. [ 10 points ]

6. After a month of training, what kind of variable was depression: manipulated independent, criterion, constant, spurious, positive, negative? Explain. [ 10 points ]

7. After a month of training, what kind of variable was suicidal ideation: manipulated independent, criterion, constant, spurious? Explain. [ 10 points ]

8. What kind of variable was the sex of the subjects: manipulated independent, measured background factor, criterion, unethical, spurious, constant? Explain. [ 10 points ]

9. What kind of research was this: introspection, case study, survey, or experiment? Why? Hint: start with the correct definition. [ 10 points ]

10. Which one of these conclusions should you draw from this research? Why? [ 10 points ]
 null hypothesis
 spurious correlation
 low morale contributes to Wingman-Connect Syndrome
 Wingman-Connect reduced depression & suicidal ideation
 these data were not significant

After a month of training, what kind of variable was unit morale: manipulated independent, criterion, constant, positive, negative, spurious, unethical? Explain
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