Complete a 6–8-page paper that will briefly reiterate one of the theories and present how this theory was applied to the selected case.

Therapeutic Intervention Project

Complete a 6–8-page paper that will briefly reiterate one of the theories and present how this theory was applied to the selected case.

Each student is expected to diagnosis the mental disorder using DSM 5 criteria and develop a comprehensive treatment plan. The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to better understand that there are many approaches to trauma in social work.

Each student will select a common specific treatment option in Trauma practice as outlined below or get approval for another topic by the professor:
Narrative Therapy
Vagus Therapy
Alternative care (Yoga, Mindfulness, Acupuncture, Nutrition)
The paper must address the following topics:

Complete a 6–8-page paper that will briefly reiterate one of the theories and present how this theory was applied to the selected case.
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