Use a direct quote or passage from each reading to illustrate a topic or argument that weaves together the readings for that week.

Sociology Question

Reading :

Edward and Christina A. Sue. 2019. “Ch. 4: Spanish Language.” In Durable Ethnicity: Mexican Americans and the Ethnic Core. Thursday March 2

Discussion Group 3 • Vasquez, Jessica M. 2011. “Ch. 7: As Much Hamburger as Taco: Third Generation Mexican-Americans.” In Mexican-Americans Across Generations: Immigrant Family

All the material assigned for that week,you must cite each reading at least once in your response. You do not need to include the full title of the reading, book, chapter, or author For clarity, reference the authors of the readings using citations that reference their last name and year of publication only.

Such as “According to Massey (1999)…” Reading responses are proofread and free of grammatical errors,they are nota summary and are not an areflectionor opinion pieces. Points will be docked for responses that rely on personal stories or opinion.

Your reading response can do all of the following:

Address a theme or key word(s) that you find ties together the readings for that week.

Use a direct quote or passage from each reading to illustrate a topic or argument that weaves together the readings for that week.

Responds to a discussion question posed by the discussion leaders in class using the readings to support your answer. This does not include any questions related to personal opinion or experience. Include the question you are responding to in your assignment.


Use a direct quote or passage from each reading to illustrate a topic or argument that weaves together the readings for that week.
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