Write a book review focusing on the characterization of Odysseus, read the comic, and also the relevant sections of the Odyssey.


Comic book: https://we.tl/t-Na9DI9OL7h
Throughout this course, we have been exploring storytelling and Greek and Roman myth, and have predominantly focused on the ancient versions of these fantastic stories.

In this assignment, however, you will be dealing with the reception of a myth – and you are to evaluate a modern version of a Greek and/or Roman myth by means of a review. The work you are to review is volume one of Matt Fraction & Christian Ward’s comic, ODY-C.

Your review should give your verdict on the novel/comic – is it good, bad, or something in between?

In particular, you should pay close attention to how successful Fraction is in adopting and/or adapting the material from ancient myth, and from the Odyssey in particular.

You want to consider the effect of these changes on the reader. Your review will inevitably focus on the characterization of Odysseus, so make sure you have read the comic, and also the relevant sections of the Odyssey. You are also welcome to consider other portrayals of these characters, ancient or modern.

There are many other issues you may wish to discuss, for example: You might also consider whether Fraction’s understanding of Odysseus, the changing characterization of Odysseus, the characterization of ‘minor’ characters like Hermes, Pasiphae, Jason, or Polyphemus; the nature of the gods in general as portrayed in the comic and the Odyssey impacts how you understand those characters and the ancient text.

You can choose to discuss all or some. he review should be 4-5 pages in length (not including title page and bibliography), double-spaced, and in 12-point font.

Cite the novel/comic ( ODY-C) and poem (Odyssey) when referring to specific passages or scenes – you may use direct quotations to illustrate certain points, but keep them to a minimum (it is your interpretation that is more important than the quote).

Write a book review focusing on the characterization of Odysseus, read the comic, and also the relevant sections of the Odyssey.
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