Identify how this documentary has influenced your perspective on dying in hospice and or dying while incarcerated. How does your culture view death?


Use Unit 10.3 and 10.5 ( provided on separate file)

Watch the two films below:
Barens, E. (Director), & Barens, E. (Producer). (2013). Prison Terminal: The Last Days of Private Jack Hall [Video file]. The Cinema Guild. Retrieved from Academic Video Online: Premium database.
and O’Reilly, M. (2014). Am I Dying? The Honest Answer. TED.
“Am I Dying? The honest answer” 5 mins share
Prison Terminal: The last days of private jack hall


How does the textbook define hospice?

What Freudian defense mechanisms or stage from Erikson’s model, did you notice Jack using/in as he was approaching death? (cite sources used)

What patterns from, “Am I Dying?…” did you notice in Jack? Give examples from the documentary.

How did Jack’s culture influence the way Jack thought or behaved? Give examples from the documentary.

What ceremonies/practices were held during Jack’s dying and death? Give examples from the documentary.

Describe Jack’s hospice care?

Identify and describe what new perspective you now have on death and dying?

Expand/describe/define and give example from what you observed in the documentary (ex: Jack expressed Freud’s defense mechanism xxx, this is evident when Jack does xxx (03:22

Part II Reflection
Write down anything you want to share with me. You may use the following three prompts below as a guide to start your reflection, but are not necessary to answer. Consider quoting something you, saw, heard, read that stuck with you. Consider how you felt from any of the three resources.
Write about that in your Reflection as a focus or starting point.
2 3 paragraphs; 1 paragraph is 59 sentences

1. Identify how this documentary has influenced your perspective on dying in hospice and or dying while incarcerated.

2. How does your culture view death?

3. What ceremonies or practices are held during dying and death in your culture?

Identify how this documentary has influenced your perspective on dying in hospice and or dying while incarcerated. How does your culture view death?
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