Create a web-based tutorial to inform company stakeholders about your cybersecurity topic. Identify the format and structure of your web tutorial by researching other web tutorials.

Managerial Cybersecurity Website Tutorial Assignment

Before you begin this project, review all the information on this page.

Managerial Cybersecurity Website Tutorial (An Individual Endeavor)

For this deliverable, create a web-based tutorial to inform company stakeholders about your cybersecurity topic.

Moreover, this site could appear on a company’s intranet and would be available to management. Thus, much of your information contained within the executive summary would be applicable to this endeavor.

Using the Wix website developer or another free website builder, create a web-based tutorial to present your findings developed in your cybersecurity executive summary.

For an individual endeavor, identify the format and structure of your web tutorial by researching other web tutorials.

After reviewing a variety of learning tutorials on the Web, you will settle on an appropriate design to convey the information contained within the executive summary.

In addition, design your website tutorial.

The final version of your web tutorial is due in (Week 16) where you will post the URL in an MS Word document.


Create a web-based tutorial to inform company stakeholders about your cybersecurity topic. Identify the format and structure of your web tutorial by researching other web tutorials.
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