Choose at least three significant political changes that have taken place as the result of wars or armed conflicts since 1776 and craft an essay in which you analyze how those changes have affected American culture and society.

Research Paper

Throughout this course, you have learned about how war and other armed conflicts have shaped American society since the colonial period. You have also examined the political and constitutional processes associated with engaging in war, how Americans have responded to war, and how war has changed during the last three centuries.

This assignment requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of how war and other armed conflicts have influenced American society since the 18th century. Also use your analytical skills to determine the nature of the impacts that war has had on American society.

Finally, you will use your research and critical thinking skills to locate and use credible supporting evidence.

Compose a 2,000-2,500 word essay in response to the following prompt:

Choose at least three significant political changes that have taken place as the result of wars or armed conflicts since 1776 and craft an essay in which you analyze how those changes have affected American culture and society. As you write, make sure you connect the changes to specific events in the wars or armed conflicts.

Finally, provide specific, detailed examples to support your claims and offer a conclusion that contextualizes the topic in relation to broader themes or issues in American history.

You must also use at least two primary and three secondary sources and cite them using Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) format.

Choose at least three significant political changes that have taken place as the result of wars or armed conflicts since 1776 and craft an essay in which you analyze how those changes have affected American culture and society.
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