Explain and describe noted evidence of a hidden curriculum regarding the social skills students should have mastered to be successful in this general ed classroom (be specific).

Sandra LoFaro: Lesson in an Inclusive Classroom

After reading Chapter 12, observe the inclusion classroom in the video below.

In no less than 475 words, explain and describe noted evidence of a hidden curriculum regarding the social skills students should have mastered to be successful in this general ed classroom (be specific).

Also, discuss the routines and rules in the video that are also essential. This includes in-text citations, references, and connections (content and thinking).

The video that needs to be viewed is on YouTube. The name of the video is Sandra LoFaro: Lesson in an Inclusive Classroom.

Explain and describe noted evidence of a hidden curriculum regarding the social skills students should have mastered to be successful in this general ed classroom (be specific).
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