Rewrite the below case on the rise in electric vehicles sales.

The Rise in Electric Vehicles Sales

Rewrite the below case on the rise in electric vehicles sales.

The Rise in Electric Vehicles Sales
The first news source I selected was the World Economic Forum (WEF), an independent, non-profit organization focusing on international public policy issues and global economic collaboration. The WEF’s mission is to enhance the global state through partnerships with relevant societal parties to shape worldwide, national, and industrial agendas. It is generally neutral in its reporting but leans slightly toward capitalism and free markets. On March 10, 2023, WEF reported that “1 in 7 cars sold globally now is electric.” This article discusses the increasing sales of electric vehicles and the decrease in conventional cars with internal combustion engines. WEF is generally considered a reliable and unbiased news source, although it has been criticized for its pro-globalization stance.
The second news source I selected was Counterpoint Research, a market study and consulting corporation specializing in the mobile and technology industries. On March 6, 2023, Counterpoint Research reported that “Global Electric Vehicle Sales Crossed 10 million in 2022.” This article discusses the increasing sales of electric vehicles worldwide and the growing popularity of Chinese EV models. Counterpoint Research is generally considered a reliable and unbiased news source, although it is not a traditional news outlet.
The third news source I selected was CleanTechnica, a news and opinion website focusing on clean technology, sustainability, and renewable energy topics. On February 25, 2023, CleanTechnica reported that “US Electric Car Sales Increased 65% In 2022.” This article discusses the increasing sales of electric vehicles in the United States and the growing popularity of EVs. CleanTechnica is generally considered a reliable and unbiased news source, although it has a liberal bias in its coverage of climate change and renewable energy topics.
In the three news stories, the WEF and Counterpoint Research stories are both fairly neutral in their reporting. In contrast, the CleanTechnica story is more strongly biased toward electric vehicles. All three stories report that electric vehicle sales have increased substantially in the past year. The WEF and Counterpoint Research stories note that sales have increased by 60 and 65 percent, respectively. The CleanTechnica story notes that 5.7% of US car sales were fully electric in 2022, up from 1.4% in 2019. The WEF story is relatively detailed and includes data on sales numbers and comparisons to sales of conventional cars. It is also the only story to note that while the transition to EVs is positive, it is not enough to offset global CO2 emissions.
Works Cited
“1 in 7 Cars Sold Globally Now Is Electric.” World Economic Forum, 10 Mar. 2023,
Mukherjee, Abhik. “Global Electric Vehicle Sales Crossed 10 Million in 2022; Q4 Sales up 53% YoY.” Counterpoint Research, 6 Mar. 2023,
Shahan, Zachary. “US Electric Car Sales Increased 65% In 2022.” CleanTechnica, 25 Feb. 2023,

Rewrite the below case on the rise in electric vehicles sales.
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