Explain what job you plan to hold after graduation. Summarize the importance of a professional organization that can help you to advance your career. Also, provide a link to the organization.

Discussion communications

This discussion forum has three parts:

Write two five to six-sentence paragraphs in which you describe:

a) the merits of an App that can be used within your chosen profession – include the link

b) a possible App that could be created for your profession, and why it would be useful

Keeping track of the work of professional associations is helpful not only as you plan your future career path, but also once its established. These organizations are often under-utilized due to a lack of awareness in their work, which includes providing up-to-date information about conferences, research initiatives, policy developments, and the like.

By finding out more about the professional association(s) with which you may be affiliated, you’ll discover useful aspects of these organizations’ work. Don’t limit your knowledge to the provincial or even national associations. It’s worth taking a sideways look at those located in the U.S. as well as other relevant international organizations.

Similar to demonstrating an awareness of the codes of ethics, a reference you make to the work of a professional association will also likely impress a possible employer. In a job interview, for example, you may be able to touch on important up-to-date information about which even a potential employer is unaware.

For this discussion topic, explain what job you plan to hold after graduation. Then in a paragraph of four to five sentences, summarize the importance of a professional organization that can help you to advance your career. Also, provide a link to the organization.

State a difficult interview question you might be asked and then answer it to the best of your ability.

Explain what job you plan to hold after graduation. Summarize the importance of a professional organization that can help you to advance your career. Also, provide a link to the organization.
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