Respond to the topic both articles address with an argument of your own in an essay that is 4-6 paragraphs in length.

English Question

This assignment asks you to respond to the topic both articles address with an argument of your own in an essay that is 4-6 paragraphs in length.

Use effective essay structure, with a brief introduction, middle or body paragraphs, and a brief conclusion paragraph.

In your essay, be sure to:

Remain in the third person

Include a claim statement identifying your position on the topic. To develop your claim, provide a preview of the points you’ll make in the body of the essay, provide clear topic sentences/sub-claims/reasons throughout your essay.

Support your argument with direct evidence from the supporting texts, either as quoted or paraphrased material using in-text MLA citation.  Additionally, your evidence should be followed with close analysis/explanation of how the cited material supports your main argument.

Be sure to address and respond to a counter-argument in your essay. In the counter argument, you should incorporate evidence from the opposing text (the one you disagree with) and respond to the counter argument by either conceding or refuting the point.


Click the paper/magnifying glass icon to the right of the file name to see it on the screen. Click on the title of the document to download the file.

Felons Should Be Allowed to Vote.docx


Felons Shouldnt Be Allowed to Vote.docx


Respond to the topic both articles address with an argument of your own in an essay that is 4-6 paragraphs in length.
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