Outline the implications of reduced physical activity for children’s cognitive, social and emotional development. What has contributed to the decline in physical activity?

EDC135 Child Development for Educators Assessment 1

A1 Question 2
Outline the implications of reduced physical activity for children’s cognitive, social and emotional development. What has contributed to the decline in physical activity? What can you do as a teacher to help to reverse the trend?

Ensure you include practical applications including for students with disabilities. Particular emphasis may be given to the age group of students you plan to teach (i.e. Early childhood, Primary, or Secondary education).
Physical activity and other domains of development
Why decline?
Two examples of what you as a teacher can do

A1 Question 2 Resources
Duchesne et al. (2022)
Implications for Educators 2.1 p. 42 pp. 35-41
Academic journal articles (within the last 10 years)
The Australian Government Department of Health guidelines and other documents re physical activity. See https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/healthpubhlthstrateg-phys-act-guidelines#npa517
These resources are suggestions only and a point to START your research

Outline the implications of reduced physical activity for children’s cognitive, social and emotional development. What has contributed to the decline in physical activity?
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