Research a group and develop meal plans to address renal failure and diabetic clients. Summarize possible nursing education strategies for the assigned group.

Nutrition Projects

Introduction: Nurses care for clients of many backgrounds. When providing education to clients the nurse should be sensitive to and incorporate the client’s cultural, spiritual, or eating philosophy.

Objective: Learners will be assigned a cultural, spiritual, or specific eating philosophy. The nurse will research the group and develop meal plans to address renal failure and diabetic clients.

APA format
Assigned to Judaism’s cultural, religious, or eating philosophy
Summarize the cultural influences and the nutritional intake of the group
Identify three unique attributes of the assigned group
Based on the understanding of the group develop a meal plan for a Renal Failure client
Based on the understanding of the group develop a meal plan for a Diabetic client
Summarize possible nursing education strategies for the assigned group

Populations: Judaism

Research a group and develop meal plans to address renal failure and diabetic clients. Summarize possible nursing education strategies for the assigned group.
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