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Week 6 Discussion Response

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Along with the voices of my classmates, this podcast was interesting. Although I can appreciate the efforts being made in the workplace to be ore inclusive, I don’t like the “strategy” that has to come with it. It highlights the lack of interpersonal competence many people in leadership has. Knowing this isnt’ new either has always been concerning.

On the other hand, I appreciate more people are becoming aware of the disparities occurring in the workplace. The guest speaker on the podcast mentioned how these initiatives will only be most effective by those in leadership “spearheading” it through. It takes collaboration with other companies, individuals, and the community to continue building a solid DE&I foundation in the workplace. So far, we have seen slow, yet incremental changes over the past few years. Since this recording in 2021, a lot has come to surface which is fortunate because it opens the door for more discussion and ACTION to take place.

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