Write a short note on the Origin,Location, Insertion,Function, Blood supply,Nerve supply and Venous drainage of the following provided below group of muscles.


1.Write a short note on the Origin,Location, Insertion,Function, Blood supply,Nerve supply and Venous drainage of the following group of muscles :




D.Thenar and Hypothenar muscles of the hand -listing the individual thenar and hypothenar muscles and their functions.

E 1.Pectoralis Major,Minor and the Diaphragm,

E 2. Rectus Abdominis and Serratus Anterior

F.Flexor Muscles of the Thigh-Vastus Lateralis,Intermedius,Medials and Sartorius.

G.Extensor Muscles of the Thigh- Gluteus Maximus,Minimus and the Hamstrings.

H.Gastrocnemeus Muscles and The Soleus Muscles.


Functions of the muscles should include movements like Flexion, Extension ,Abduction, Adduction, Internal rotation and External Rotation.

2.List The muscles of the Rotator Cuff.

Write a short note on the Origin,Location, Insertion,Function, Blood supply,Nerve supply and Venous drainage of the following provided below group of muscles.
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