Find an article from a journal database, like JSTOR. Read the article, provide a summary of its body, and draw out the conclusion of the text.

Journal Article Summary

Estimated length 1 to 1.5 pages, not including title, header or citation.

Find an article from a journal database, like JSTOR.
Choose from journals in the previous exercise like Current Anthropology, Journal of Human Evolution, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Evolutionary Anthropology, etc. The article can be about 10 pages or greater. No book reviews.

Read the article, provide a summary of its body, and draw out the conclusion of the text.

Here is a link to library databases held at HCC: to an external site.

Also submit the article that you read for this assignment as well.

Find an article from a journal database, like JSTOR. Read the article, provide a summary of its body, and draw out the conclusion of the text.
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