What are some other differences in this country and/or culture from what you experience in your home country’s culture?

Module 4: Discussion Forum

Answer the following questions.

The countries to use for this coursework are South Korea and Puerto Rico.

Include the question numbers, so everyone knows what you are answering:
1. Choose one country and/or culture to discuss the relative use of nonverbal and verbal behaviors, such as silence, interruptions, facial gazing, touching, and other cultural differences by people with various cultural backgrounds.

2. What are some other differences in this country and/or culture from what you experience in your home country’s culture?

3. How does this behavior affect the negotiation process in a cross-cultural context?

Your initial response should:
Repeat the questions in the text

Be at least 250 words in length

Cite at least one resource

What are some other differences in this country and/or culture from what you experience in your home country’s culture?
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