What are the two key characteristics of civility? Do you agree that “how you show up and treat people means everything”? Why? Why not?

Civility in the Workplace

View the video: Why being respectful to your coworkers is good for business.
With penetrating insight, Christine Porath asserts: “Who do you want to be? It’s a simple question, and whether you know it or not, you’re answering it every day through your actions. This one question will define your professional success more than any other, because how you show up and treat people means everything. Either you lift people up by respecting them, making them feel valued, appreciated and heard, or you hold people down by making them feel small, insulted, disregarded or excluded. And who you choose to be means everything.”
She suggests a powerful behavior we should each display: civility. “Civility lifts people. We’ll get people to give more and function at their best if we’re civil. Incivility chips away at people and their performance. It robs people of their potential, even if they’re just working around it. What I know from my research is that when we have more civil environments, we’re more productive, creative, helpful, happy and healthy.”

What are the two key characteristics of civility?
What is the “10/5 way”?
Do you agree that “how you show up and treat people means everything”? Why? Why not?
What are a few specific ways you can practice civility in your professional context?

What are the two key characteristics of civility? Do you agree that “how you show up and treat people means everything”? Why? Why not?
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