Briefly summarize each article, keying in on the six aims identified in “Crossing the Quality Chasm.” Discuss the regulatory effect that these reports had on the US healthcare system and patient safety.

Healthcare Information Technology (HIT)

Review the following articles:

To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System Download To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System
Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century (Attached)

Answer the following:

Briefly summarize each article, keying in on the six aims identified in “Crossing the Quality Chasm.”
Discuss the regulatory effect that these reports had on the US healthcare system and patient safety.
Assess how healthcare delivery has changed to help achieve those goals and describe the barriers to achieving those goals.
How are health care information systems used to support the delivery of care to report patient outcomes?

Briefly summarize each article, keying in on the six aims identified in “Crossing the Quality Chasm.” Discuss the regulatory effect that these reports had on the US healthcare system and patient safety.
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