select a topic that is neither too broad nor too narrow to address effectively in 5 to 6 pages.

Length: 5-6pages (double-spaced, excluding list of works cited)

Overview: This assignment is a formal academic paper of a significant length that should therefore be approached with due seriousness. You must develop your problem statement, rationale, and research questions into a careful and thoroughly researched argument. The paper should be 5 to 6 pages in length, double-spaced. You are free to reuse any material that you wish from your research proposal, but please do not repeat the same errors! Read the feedbackthat you receive! Be sure to select a topic that is neither too broad nor too narrow to address effectively in 5 to 6 pages. You must also follow a traditional essay format (introduction, body, conclusion, unannotated list of works cited, and so forth).Sources: No changes here!•4scholarly sources (at least)

•At least one source should present an alternative or contrasting perspective.•You mustuseeither or both of the following course readings: Freud’s “The Uncanny” or Modleski’s “The Female Uncanny: Gothic Novels for Women.”(Whichever you choose, it counts towards your 4scholarly sources.)

•You must also use at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed articles from journals.•You can certainly use some (reliable) popular sources as well, but these must be in addition to the four(minimum) scholarly sources.

•See the Essay Proposalinformation document for additionalsuggestions.Other Hopefully Helpful Tips:

•Include URLs in your list of works cited (whichever citation style you choose).•Use own words when paraphrasing.

•Indicate all quotations clearly (with parenthetical references, including page or paragraph number, if possible).

•Leave time to proofread. Do not rely on spellcheck. Seriously.

•Consider seeking additional help from Student Learning Support:

select a topic that is neither too broad nor too narrow to address effectively in 5 to 6 pages.
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