Generate an extended comparison between the two texts, or you could generate a comparison between Dracula or I Am Legend and Frankenstein.

Possible Topics to choose from: Good Vs. Evil, Power/Control, Female Sexuality, Female Subjectivity, or Anxieties of Masculinity

While your essay can focus primarily on either Dracula or I Am Legend, you must cite each of them at some point in your essay.

At least TWO scholarly secondary sources

Generate a focused interpretive analysis of the text based on one of the above topics or one of your own conception.

You can focus primarily on Dracula or I Am Legend (though you have to at some point discuss both), you can generate an extended comparison between the two texts, or you could generate a comparison between Dracula or I Am Legend and Frankenstein or one of the assigned short stories.

You can even compare the book to one of the movies that have been made about the book (be sure to focus on interpretive analysis rather than merely cataloguing the similarities and/or differences. Example: “Coppola foregrounds the sexual aggressiveness of Lucy that is only implicit in the book”).

Generate an extended comparison between the two texts, or you could generate a comparison between Dracula or I Am Legend and Frankenstein.
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