
Populate your database that you created in module 5 with some representative testing data. Include at least 15 records for each of the tables.

Query Database Step I Populate your database that you created in module 5 with some representative testing data. Include at least 15 records for each of the tables (use INSERT commands or GUI tools provided by the DBMS you select). Step II Think of descriptions for six data querying requirements that could be answered from […]

Describe and explain multidimensional visualization by adding variables and by operations such as rescaling, aggregation, and interactivity.

Data Mining Select 2 topics from the 6 below an discuss them in detail: teaching it to your classmates as though they had never read the chapters. and you can use bullet points. 1-Explain why you use data visualization in the data mining process. 2-Describe and explain when and how to use bar charts, line […]

Choose one theory and explain with the help of this theoretical viewpoint the behaviour at the selected aggregate level, for instance, bounded rationality in the case of individual behaviour.

Individual And Institutional Economic Behaviour Task: Critically evaluate theoretical explanations of behaviour at one level of aggregation. Aspects which need to be included are: Define a level of aggregation (individual, firm, state or supranational or international institutions) Choose one theory and explain with the help of this theoretical viewpoint the behaviour at the selected aggregate […]

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