Aircraft Flight

Discuss the common types of weather aids used in an aircraft flight deck. Explain the difference between weather and airborne radar.

9.3 – Assignment: Internet Research 4 For this internet research activity, read the information about Stormscope & Radar (PDF) C. by Bill Castlen and then conduct any additional research into answering the following scenario. You are the Manager of the Avionics shop for a large 14 CFR Part 145 repair station. You have a technician […]

Describe terms related to mechanical and structural factors in stress loading, riveted joints, and pressure vessels and their importance to aviation safety.

Aircraft Flight Test Engineer In Module 3, you will discover how various loads and stresses (e.g., torsion, compression, and bending) affect internal material strain. You will also learn about riveted joints and pressure vessels and how they may affect mechanical and structural factors in aviation safety. Upon successful completion of this module, you will be […]

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