American Indian

Identify the community partners that will help with your campaign. Using research, what action should you take to move the action forward in the community?

Week 3 Discussion: Using Political Strategies to Move Advocacy Forward 2 2 Step 1: Read the vignette below.Vignette: You are completing a clinical rotation in a small community agency that provides services to pregnant women or women with children under the age of 3. This agency is located in an urban area of the southern […]

Read the family of your choice from the “Ethnicity and Family Therapy” book (provided below) and conduct online research to create a short PowerPoint to promote diversity and inclusion in society/work/classroom.

Ethnic Group Picks one ethnic group (American Indian/Native American families) different from his/her ethnicity to research, and present on. Each student prepares a promotional Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of the American Indian/Native American family’s ethnicity. PowerPoint should be short, concise, and straight to the essential points. Read the family of your choice from the “Ethnicity and […]

Write a response paper on the issue of American Indian and the identity in how it relates to the ideas of land, language and religion.

Response paper is to be a response to the issue of American Indian Identity in how it relates to the ideas of land, language and religion. Think about ideas of stereotypes and popular culture, connections of land, language, and religion and identity, and also how the field of Native Studies is based around the formation […]

How can her educational excellence be said to make her an example of the system even as she criticizes the system and what it’s done to her indigenous values and views?

Read “The School Days of an Indian Girl,” “An Indian Teacher Among Indians” and “The Great Spirit” in the book American Indian Stories by Zitkala-Sa In these stories, Zitkala-Sa describes contradictory feelings about the education system for American Indian tribal members. She feels differently about the system at different times, but the development of her […]

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