American workers

Explain why you think what you do, you should show your understanding of issues such as the early industrial revolution, its impacts on labor and work, and ways workers responded.

Writing Assignment Write a 1350 words , double-spaced paper in 12-point font that responds to this prompt: “Beginning in the 1820s and the 1830s, the industrial revolution began to transform the United States – and, in doing so, also transformed the lives of American workers. What were the main changes and challenges that industrialization posed […]

Compare and contrast US and Dutch culture with your own on these dimensions in terms of how they influence communication.

 Dutch and American workers Compare and contrast US and Dutch culture with your own on these dimensions in terms of how they influence communication: Core values Religious belief systems Gender roles Verbal and non-verbal communication Communication context Then, analyze how characteristics of both cultures influence communication in the following settings and identify the issues and […]

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