
Should James and Pamela consider doing Roth conversions at some point? If so, when should they consider doing it?

Financial Planning for Retirement Client Case For this assignment, use 2023 numbers. Write to your clients. Consider the questions below as a guide for different areas in the retirement plan you will address. Advise James on how much he should contribute to his 401k and IRA, if applicable. If he receives an employer match, how […]

Based on the performance gaps you identified, describe specific opportunities that would benefit from technology enhancement or technical solutions.

7-1 Final Project Milestone Three: Business Operations Opportunities Analysis Prompt: To finalize this analysis, you will need to gather information about managing inventory, resource planning, and scheduling. Information can generally be found on the organization’s main website, in the annual report and mission statement, and in articles authored by the company or outside analysts, such […]

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