Automobile manufacturer

Discuss, if you were the judge or jury deciding this case, for whom would you decide? Why?

You’re On the Jury: The Case of the Offer too Good to Be True Kyle Drake, by mistake, opened up a letter with his neighbor’s address on the front but left in his mailbox. The letter, from a major automobile manufacturer, read as follow: “Dear Mr. Lankletter or Occupant: We offer to sell you one […]

How do you think BMW integrates its various unique brands into a global effort that works for them (BMW, Rolls-Royce, and the MINI) across the world’s many global markets?

Case Discussion Questions How do you think BMW integrates its various unique brands into a global effort that works for them (BMW, Rolls-Royce, and the MINI) across the world’s many global markets? What is your reaction to the global brand of BMW when you hear its name, think of the brand, and see BMW vehicles […]

Discuss how the Eastern market will potentially view new hire orientation, and then discuss two to three ways to tailor the new hire orientation to this market.

Cultural Considerations in Learning and Development You are currently the head trainer of a global U.S. automobile manufacturer. The organization has decided to expand its operations into the Eastern market such as China, Japan, and Singapore. The vice president of human resources has asked that you create a proposal outlining your plans for a new […]

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