Black Hat

After Reviewing and Studying Chapter 2 in Black Hat Python, create a standalone Python script that will act as a TCP server.

Assignment 10 – Create a TCP Server Instructions After Reviewing and Studying Chapter 2 in Black Hat Python, create a standalone Python script that will act as a TCP server.  The server will accept connections on port 5555 from TCP clients operating on the same local IP range as the server. The server will receive […]

Explain why people are much more likely to view and pay attention to product and service information in Serfs compared to traditional mass media advertising?

PART 1: Why is it important that businesses maintain a high level of visibility on search engine results pages? Why are organic search listings more valuable than paid search listings for most companies over the long term? Even though organic search listings are more valuable, what are some reasons that companies should consider using PPC […]

Mention delivering a research paper at a coveted conference called – BlackHat Europe in London. Mention co-founder of Threat Con Nepal’s first security conference.

Writing codes in QBASIC with a pen on a piece of paper is how started into computers. Growing up in a developing country like Nepal where access to technology and resources are scarce. Mention first generation of security professionals to work in Nepal. Mention being guest lecturer at Kathmandu University, tribhuwan university and several other […]

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