Business project

Describe the rationale for utilizing probability concepts. Is there more than one type of probability?

Probability Describe the rationale for utilizing probability concepts. Is there more than one type of probability? If so, describe the different types of probability. Briefly discuss probability distributions. What is a normal distribution? Provide a written example of how ‘understanding distribution’ can be an asset for any business project. (Whoever has the best answer will […]

Prepare a term project proposal on business data mining project, include a one-page business letter with a clear mission and goals of a fictitious business.

MG 756: Business Data Mining Project Proposal The term project proposal should include the following: 1. A one-page business letter with a clear mission and goals of a fictitious business. I. Business name and logo II. Founding members III. Product/service description IV. Unique traits of the product/service V. Milestones and a timeline VI. Financial plan […]

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