Charles Dickens

What was he(Charles Dickens) criticizing in Hard Times? How does he use characterization and symbolism to foster his position? Is his criticism valid?

Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was a critique of the major social issues of his age. What was he criticizing in Hard Times? How does he use characterization and symbolism to foster his position? Is his criticism valid? What solutions is he obviously proposing? Do we still have that problem today? Write a 750 word analysis […]

Write a 1,500 words essay discussing on the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and analyze some concept of the novel chosen.

Great Expectations The novel That this has to be about is Great Expectations by Charles Dickens 1. The essay will need to be at least 1,500 words and include at least 3 outside sources, plus the book itself as a source. 2. Analyze some concept of the novel you chose. It can be symbols, characters, […]

Are female rappers of the 2020s–for instance, Cardi B. and her associates–modern-day feminists, or just pornographers?

Popular Art Research PaperAssignment GuidelinesThe term popular art is loosely used to describe the kind of literature, music, painting,architecture, and other cultural matter that is produced for mass consumption. Some popular  art turns out to be very sophisticated (Charles Dickens’s novels, for instance), but most popular art is designed to reaffirm and comfort popular attitudes […]

What were some of the forces working against human personal or intellectual freedom?

Charles Dickens’ famous line, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” hints at the contradictory nature of the period we’ve been studying. This was an era marked by both the expansion of and limitations to human liberty. Consider the following questions: What were some of the different ways in which […]

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