Child Protection

Provide an extra 275-word draft of the paper/ a 275-word summary of your paper’s main points discussing on cybercrime, child protection, and dark marketplaces.

Cybercrime, child protection, and dark marketplaces 1-page Draft / Summary / Abstract Page: Provide an extra 275-word draft of the paper/ a 275-word summary of your paper’s main points / a 275-word abstract page) Contents – Title. – Abstract (summary). Introduction/background. Hypotheses, objectives or research question. Proposed methodology. How will you disseminate your findings (pathways […]

An essay of 3,000 words comprising a analysis of current or recent critical case drawn from public sources (e.g. NSPCC database). 

An essay of 3,000 words comprising a analysis of current or recent critical case drawn from public sources (e.g. NSPCC database).  Death of a 3-month-old girl in March 2019. Tracy was found deceased at home. Criminal investigation commenced by police and care proceedings instigated for siblings. Tracy was the youngest of three siblings; all had recently […]

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