Community organization.

How useful are the visualizations to your understanding of the data? What might the dashboard do differently to be more effective?

DISCUSSION Your assignments in this course have equipped you with the important skill of using Excel to turn data into visual elements. As you’ve learned from your textbook readings about data visualization, many businesses and organizations compile data visualizations into dashboards, which allow viewers to easily see the story told by the data. For this […]

Write a 2-page reflection memo regarding their experiences and what you have learned, both in terms of content and in terms of practicing observational methods. 

Assignment 3 | Research Reflection Memo A: Observations Conduct qualitative data gathering loosely related to the Final Research Proposal topic on an educational setting. Observe a potential learning activity, carefully separating your detailed observational notes from your interpretations. In great detail, describe what was going on in this situation. From your interpretation, to what extent was […]

Review the column titles “Dominant Work Values”.Discuss whether you hold those values yourself and how they are demonstrated in your work. Why are they important?

In a well-developed academic essay of 3 – 4 pages, use Exhibit 5.4 p. 137 and select the cohort to which you belong. Review the column titles “Dominant Work Values”. Discuss whether you hold those values yourself and how they are demonstrated in your work. Why are they important? If you do not hold those […]

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