Cover letter

Find a job online that interests you. Then create your cover letter that is SPECIFIC to the job you are applying for.

Creating Cover Letter ASSIGNMENT: Find a job online that interests you (you can use indeed, LinkedIn, or any organization’s posted positions). Create your cover letter that is SPECIFIC to the job you are applying for. You want to match the skills and requirements in the job description to your own skills and abilities.  

Write a cover letter for this job application giving 2–3 examples from your past experience. Describe how you have implemented one of the leadership styles that you learned in this module and the results that you produced. 

Cover Letter Create a Professional Cover Letter to Respond to the following Job Posting: WANTED:  A (Coaching leadership style) leader to lead our growing company.  Salary commensurate with experience.  Coverletter must discuss your leadership style and include examples of how you have used that leadership style to achieve tangible results. Cover Letter Instructions Write a […]

Write a resume/CV, cover letter/personal statement, and analysis for civil engineering. Explain how that will help you tailor both your resume (or CV) and cover letter to the position.

Resume Writing Write a ”Resume/CV, Cover Letter/Personal Statement, AND Analysis” For civil engineering Step1) Journal (at least 200 words) on job posting (or graduate program): discuss at least three specific elements of the job posting or graduate program and explain how that will help you tailor both your resume (or CV) and cover letter (or […]

Write a job application cover letter for a position advertised on a website such as Indeed or Monster.

Job Application Cover Letter Write a job application cover letter for a position advertised on a website such as Indeed or Monster. The position should be one for which you feel qualified. The letter should highlight your key qualifications and request an interview. The letter must not exceed one page.

With a rise in online platforms dedicated to social and professional networking, are cover letters and resumes out of date or even obsolete? Why or why not?

Unit 1 e-Discussion – Communication Question 1 – With a rise in online platforms dedicated to social and professional networking, are cover letters and resumes out of date or even obsolete? Why or why not? Include information from one external source in your response. Cite the source in APA style within your response and provide […]

What impression will your posts to social networking sites indicate about you to potential employers who screen such sites to learn more about you?

JOBS Prompts What impression will your posts to social networking sites indicate about you to potential employers who screen such sites to learn more about you? What, if anything, can you do improve your situation? What are the main advantage and disadvantage of customizing your cover letter and résumé by incorporating key verbiage from the […]

Based on the reading material this week, explain some of the most effective ways to write a cover letter and resume.

Effective ways to write a cover letter and resume. Based on the reading material this week, explain some of the most effective ways to write a cover letter and resume. Here is a resource to help you with cover letters: and Use reading material and supplemental material to help answer the question.

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