
Identify and describe a specific policy or practice related to criminalization and the criminal legal system that emerged, occurred, or was implemented in the United States before 2010.

Research Paper Provide PDF journal articles for you too. Papers should address the following: Identify and describe a specific policy or practice related to criminalization and the criminal legal system that emerged, occurred, or was implemented in the United States before 2010. Examine the design of that specific development in its historical context, and offer […]

Based on what you have learned in class, write a 1-2 page paper discussing what Criminalization of Blackness means to you.

Criminalization of Blackness Based on what you have learned in class so far, coupled with your own research, write a 1-2 page paper discussing what Criminalization of Blackness means to you. Do you feel it is a legitimate issue, and if so, what do you think are the solutions to this social and human challenge? […]

In a 4-5 page paper, explain if mental health courts are effective response to criminal offending?

Ending the Criminalization of Mental Illness Address the following research questions in a 4-5 page paper, using at least 7-10 peer reviewed sources (a paper less than 4 FULL pages will not be a passing paper). 1. Are mental health courts an effective response to criminal offending? The link to the video is below, you […]

Construct a well-argued and researched argumentative essay.

My Instructions / ideas: • The essay should include Canadian sources / material. This is the foundation of the course / class. • Ensure this assignment is focused only on STREET YOUTH (not adult activity) • I like this topic because it can be extended to also cover such things as: o The criminalization of […]

Describe the guest speaker or filmmaker’s vision for an ideal (utopian) response to this issue. What does the speaker or filmmaker hope that their advocacy will achieve?

Students will choose one topic about which to write a detailed analysis essay. Your 3-page paper will include two parts. organize your paper in essay format, with a thesis statement, sub-claims, and evidence for each of your points. This assignment will build student skills in summarizing and synthesizing different perspectives, as well as capacity for […]

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