current affairs

Reflect on your own personal feelings about the issues raised, the way the issues are raised and how the issues are presented in both programs watched.

Abogrinial 1. Watch NITV nightly news programs/current affairs Documentaries, and one other program scheduled on NITV, Chanel 34, (free to air) or Channel 144 (Foxtel). Watch these two linksNITV – Monday 14th March – The points Special – Season 2020 – Episode 6 2. Conduct further independent research on the issues and matters […]

Give the relationship between history and current affairs is a complex one.

Write a 1500 word critical analysis of the following reading: Hew Strachan, “Strategy: Change and Continuity”, in The Direction of War: Contemporary Strategy in Historical Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 253–82. The paper must reflect on the following guideline, and it must approached through the prism of the study of history of international conflict: […]

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