Daniel Webster

Explain, as part of your analysis, how the chosen scene functions within the plot of the film, as part of what Corrigan and White call a “classical film narrative” (265).

The video clips, presentation slide and the book chapter can be found at this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rjdNLAgZ2mppu9SyIQxgnNhnCY6a6imx?usp=sharing For this Optional Formal Analysis assignment, choose EITHER 1. Analyse either Scene 1 or Scene 2, in the links above, from The Devil and Daniel Webster, describing what you think are the most important techniques of the continuity style […]

Discuss what you think are some problems with the criminal justice system as it works today. Mention at least three (feel free to discuss more). Discuss what could be done to remedy these problems. Explain and justify everything you write.

Reforming Corrections American Senator Daniel Webster remarked in 1845 that “Justice is the great interest of man on earth.” The importance of justice is great, and the American system of criminal justice was designed to pursue that interest. However, the product of the system is not always justice. Defense Attorney Clarence Darrow stated that “There […]

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