Data Privacy

What aspects of the assignment were easy for you, and what aspects posed challenges? What changes did you make to your essay as a result of feedback from others?

Discussion 1 Essay Reflection Describe your writing process for this essay. For example, did you go through the conventional steps of prewriting (brainstorming, freewriting, listing, mapping, etc.), planning (whether by an outline or otherwise), drafting, getting feedback from others, and revising, or did you take another approach? You might include comments here about how your […]

Compare and contrast the characteristics of continuous and discrete variables. What is a common challenge of trying to calculate statistics using discrete variables?

BUS-7105 Week 2 Part 1 Write a short essay related to data privacy. 1. Explain what it means to say, “variables must vary.” 2. List and define the four levels of measurement (using examples) discussed in this week’s introduction and resources. In your opinion, which one or more is the most appropriate for statistical analysis. […]

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