David Livingstone

Select two chapters (one from each book) that address complementing themes. Then write a comparative analysis essay that explores how these readings together approach the topic in different or similar ways.

ASSIGNMENT Task For this assignment you will be asked to select and read chapters from two core reading texts: The Monster Theory Reader by Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock (particularly sections II, Ill and IV). Making Monsters: The Uncanny Power of Dehumanization by David Livingstone Smith You will select two chapters (one from each book) that address […]

Drawing from your experiences or anything that you have read or seen, explain the difference between these two concepts and illustrate this difference with examples.

In his book Why We Lie: The Evolutionary Roots of Deception and the Unconscious Mind, David Livingstone Smith states that “scientific research on deception is almost always focused on lying in the narrowest sense—literally saying things that aren’t true. But…our deceit extends far beyond verbal falsificadon. We lie by omission and through the subtledes of […]

Why did Europeans scramble to carve up this continent?

Scramble for Africa: David Livingstone- (1813-1873) Why did Europeans scramble to carve up this continent? How did Livingstone represent them?. http://livingstone.library.ucla.edu/1871diary/index.htm The three primary and three secondary sources you find should help you to answer the questions about the topic. These links cannot be used as sources. 6 sources in total 3 primary and 3 […]

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