
Prepare a master argument for the Professional MBA in Energy Management. Discuss general requirements and options to minimize carbon emissions from LNG plants.

Decarbonising LNG plants Prepare a Master Argument for the Professional MBA in Energy Management. Focus for the Energy (and specificully LNG (gas)) business in the context of the existing climate agenda with regards to minimizing CO2 emissions. Given already adopted and yet to be implemented (under discussion) regulations and taxes (carbon prices), discuss general requirements […]

Critically analyze governance issues in risk management, and using the knowledge gained along with relevant models/frameworks.

Strategic Risk Management: To understand the challenges of risk governance and its application in managing systemic risk in a practical setting. Assignment/Tasks: Climate change issues are now a global concern, especially for businesses and governments around the world. To address the consequences of climate change, world leaders and businesses made commitments to limit global warming […]

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