
Read “In past elections U.S. trailed most countries in voter turnout.” Then explain how does the United States rank in voter turnout when compared to other developed democracies?

United States Elections Read “In past elections U.S. trailed most countries in voter turnout.” How does the United States rank in voter turnout when compared to other developed democracies? According to your textbook, what are some of the causes of low voter turnout in the United States? Do you think it is important to have […]

Do you agree how some scholars of international relations believe that democracies are less likely to go to war than other types of states.

Some scholars of international relations believe that democracies are less likely to go to war than other types of states. Assess this claim. Do you agree? What points from the textbook and discussions can you use to substantiate your position? We have addressed several potential causes of war in this course. Try to incorporate those […]

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