digital devices

Discuss the digital divide in terms of access to computers and other digital devices as well as the Internet and telecommunication infrastructures.

Discussion Forum Listed below are topic(s) discuss throughout the week. Refer to the textbook, weekly materials, and/or the GMC library when researching the topics for this Discussion Forum. Put your writing into your own words, do not copy directly from the source. If you incorporate external resources ( in your posts be sure to cite […]

Using the statement below explain what are some of the security issues you might encounter if this were allowed? How would you address these issues?

Security issues in organisations A new concept for some organizations is to allow nurses to bring in their own devices known as bring your own devices (BYOD) to use at work. What are some of the security issues you might encounter if this were allowed? How would you address these issues? How is this issue […]

How useful is the concept of affect to understand the power of digital devices, services and platforms?

How useful is the concept of affect to understand the power of digital devices, services and platforms? Use examples from at least three devices, services or platforms in your answer. PLEASE READ BEFORE WRITE:

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