Drone strike

Select one real example of a successful US drone strike and describe it. Explain who or what was struck, where the strike took place, and other relevant information.

ASSIGNMENT Research and analyze the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the fight against terrorism. UAVs are also referred to as drones and may be armed with missiles or simply used for surveillance. The United States has utilized drones to strike targets in several countries, including Yemen, Iraq, and Pakistan. Targets have included members […]

What is your overall view of the drone strike controversy. Do you find U.S. policy under Obama (and/or Trump and Biden) justifiable, unjustifiable, or a combination of the two? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

Question 1. What are the best or smartest arguments in support of the Obama administration’s drone policy? Explain in 4-6 sentences. Refer to at least two sources in our drone readings packet, and make sure that one of them is Source 10, written by drone advocate Michael Lewis. Question 2. Based on the evidence in […]

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