
In The Apology, why did Socrates break the law? Do we have an obligation to obey the law? What moral reasons support this obligation?

Philosophy question Answer 3 of the following five questions. Each answer should be a minimum of 300 words. What is Kant’s definition of Enlightenment? According to Kant, why is it difficult for most people to achieve? Do you agree with Kant? Do all people have a moral duty to think for themselves? Why or why […]

Who is Epicurus, and what are his Philosophical theories? Write a one-page report detailing the meaning and use of the word Logos.

Assignment Who is Epicurus, and what are his Philosophical theories? explain your response in four paragraphs. (Page 102) Logos: Pages: (39-45) Write a one-page report detailing the meaning and use of the word Logos.(250 words) III. Define and explain in at least three paragraphs, Charles Mills “The Racial Contract: (Page 149)

Analyze and explain Epicurus’ famous proclamation. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment of the good life, and why?

Unit 2 Applied Philosophy Paper Analyze and explain Epicurus’ famous proclamation: “Thanks be to blessed Nature because she has made what is necessary easy to supply, and what is not easy unnecessary…The right understanding of these facts enables us to refer all choice and avoidance to the health of the body and the soul’s freedom […]

Compare Camus with Epicurus. In what ways are their views similar and in what ways different?

Chapter 9 Discussion Compare Camus with Epicurus. In what ways are their views similar? In what ways different? Be sure to write a 250 original word post and 100. Be sure to cite the text at least twice in your original post using proper citation style. Do not cut and paste without quotation marks or […]

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