Ethical Argument

Choose something relating to our major and make an ethical argument that it is immoral for a Christian to make and spend an excess amount of money.

Ethical Test Case For the paper choose something relating to our major and make an ethical argument. As an accounting major, the topic is the morality of making money and becoming rich as a Christian. Argue that it is immoral for a Christian to make and spend an excess amount of money.

Discuss which of the following is/are the purpose of your essay and why. Ethical argument, Evaluation argument, Problem solution argument

APA format and citation Title page, abstract, subtitles, proper heading and font APA in-text citation Length: About 4-6 pages (proposal section and annotated bibliography) Do not turn in a bulleted list of ideas, questions, comments, etc. Each of the following sections should be developed in at least one developed paragraph. Proposal Section Address and discuss […]

Explain and defend your argument by drawing on the moral theory that aligns most closely with the argument you presented in Part 2.

Part 1: Introduction In this section of the paper, you will begin with your ethical question, introduce the topic and paper, and close with a thesis statement. The ethical question may be the same as your Week 3 written assignment (“Applying an Ethical Theory”) or a revised version of it. The introduction should be revised […]

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