Eudora Welty

Discuss the use of magical realism in Neil Gaiman’s “Chivalry” or Gabriel García Márquez’s “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings.”

Elements of fiction 2000 words Some possible options, though by no means the limit of possibilities: Use of one element of fiction (character, theme, symbolism, irony, point of view, etc.) in one or more of the stories. Discuss “The Lottery” by considering Shirley Jackson’s explanation in the San Francisco Chronicle in July 1948: “I suppose, […]

Write an essay to demonstrate close reading skills and will relate the concerns of the passage to the broader concerns of the story.

Write an essay of 650–750 words explaining the significance of the passage. The word count does not include the mandatory works cited list. A strong essay will demonstrate close reading skills and will relate the concerns of the passage to the broader concerns of the story. Remember to apply the strategies of analysis, writing, and […]

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