European colonialism

Select articles from journal articles or working papers on Drug Policies, Economic Analysis, Economic Historical Analysis, Medical History, Scientific Analysis, International Diplomacy, and Social and Philosophical Analysis. Then write an integrative summary.

Topic: Econ life Your term project is an integrative summary of seven short papers. Each paper that you read must be at least three pages long. For each paper that you read, you must summarize the paper in approximately one page, but usually about 3/4 page. Each paper that you read must be preceded by […]

How could one argue this second viewpoint, and do you agree that the benefits brought by Europeans outweighed the negative effects?

European colonialism is often depicted as a force of greed that exploited the African people for financial gain; however, some have also argued that colonialism served a moral purpose and was mutually beneficial to both parties. How could one argue this second viewpoint, and do you agree that the benefits brought by Europeans outweighed the […]

In what ways did European colonialism and/or imperialism shape the world as we know it today? What effects did colonialism and imperialism have on the non-European nations and peoples who were the targets (some might say “victims”) of colonization and imperialism?

The Assignment ​You will write a 5-7 page paper answering one of the two prompts below. Further guidelines on page 2. Prompt #1: ​Thomas Carlyle wrote in 1840: “Universal History, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here. They were […]

Discuss the challenges and successes experienced by African countries after the formal end of European colonialism in the 19th century.

The challenges and successes experienced by African countries after the formal end of European colonialism in the 19th century. Question: You learned how and why European nations conquered and colonized Africa in the 19th century. You learned how Africans were kicked off their land and forced into providing cheap labor to benefit Europeans and Europe. […]

To what extent has the modern Middle East and North Africa (MENA) been shaped by the impact of European colonialism?

To what extent has the modern Middle East and North Africa (MENA) been shaped by the impact of European colonialism? Term papers must be properly referenced and must have a complete bibliography of sources consulted. Details of the Harvard Referencing Style are available on Brightspace.

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